Articles and videos

Boiled saliva and breath or There is always something new to discover

15.9.2022 | Jiri Cehovsky

In our practice we are always discovering something new.  This includes also the methods and techniques of autopathy, with which we are already well acquainted, have been using them for years and which are described in my books. Lately, I have been recommending boiled saliva and breath (BSB) quite often, …

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A sixteen-year-old girl: acne, anxiety, depression, asthma, food allergy (the mother speaks)

1.8.2022 | Krystof Cehovsky

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Autopathy – healing depressions, experience from the praxis (video)

16.3.2022 | Krystof Cehovsky

English subtitles below. …

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Advancing a case

1.2.2022 | Krystof Cehovsky

With autopathy self-care, people sometimes improve or even cure their ailments in the first weeks. It can be incredibly easy if they follow the best practices described in books and presented in lectures. Often, they get to a stage in which the ailments have improved in the long term, but …

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Information from the 7th chakra – effect on all levels

11.1.2022 | Jiri Cehovsky

The reason for any disharmony (disorder) of the body and mind is dissonance in the reception of the life force, prana, which shapes us, endows us with consciousness, feelings, thinking, order, love and also energy or resilience. Prana, the information flow of yin and yang (a binary code in modern …

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Alternation of several types of preparation in complex cases

22.12.2021 | Jiri Cehovsky

The combination of several types of autopathy preparations is sometimes appropriate or even necessary. Here is one of the cases:

A 67-year-old woman came to see me at my counseling practice. She took part in two autopathy courses. She started with self-care 4 months ago that only helped her a …

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I didn’t wake up until nine this morning

2.11.2021 | Jiri Cehovsky

I didn’t wake up until nine this morning. I went to bed at eleven, which means ten hour sleep with two short breaks. But it was about time, the two previous nights I often woke up, the breaks were long and during the day I was tired and irritated. Yesterday, …

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My encounter with autopathy

9.3.2021 | Iveta Jurcova

My experience with autopathy goes back to 2014. Before I first tried pouring water over the cap of a plastic bottle, I had encountered several alternative approaches that help to “return to health” or to harmonize health. I use the term return to health intentionally, because when we look at …

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Autopathy for an active lifestyle and sport

9.6.2020 | Krystof Cehovsky

Autopathy is primarily perceived as an effective information-based healing method used for self-care by people with chronic complaints of various kinds (eczema, asthma, chronic inflammation, neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, psychotic states, etc.). It originates from classical homeopathy. It is a method for stimulating the vital energy, Qi, prana. Irrespective of what …

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Healing of a skeptic

9.3.2020 | Autopathy


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Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.

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