About us

cehovskyJiri Cehovsky, M.A. has been practicing homeopathy since 1980 in Prague (Central Europe, European Union). He discovered and started to use autopathy systematically in the year 2002. He was the first, who described it in his articles and books published in English, German and Czech languages. Some elements of his method were nevertheless used earlier. Jiri Cehovsky had found mentions about them in old Indian Upanishads, in the history of  Yoga, Buddhism and mainly in homeopathy, however, first in 2002 he introduced autopathy as a comprehensive system of healing. He designed the Autopathy Bottle, an instrument for reliable preparation of the autopathic dilution at home. Widely known are his books. Autopathy – a Homeopathic Journey to Harmony was published also in  Germany, USA and Great Britain. His recent books are Get Well with Autopathy and Autopathy Handbook. He published many articles in Czech (Medunka, Regena, Homeopatie.cz, etc.) and international (Hpathy.com, Cleverhthemag.com, Homeopathic Links 2/06) journals. He is co-author of the Czech homeopathic diagnostic software KENT and HOMEO. He teaches autopathy and homeopathy at the Prague Homeopathic Academy and lectures in courses on autopathy. He founded Czech Homeopathic Society and served for many years as its chairperson. In 2022 he received the Award of Excellence; Pioneer in Homeopathy  from Hpathy.com, the world’s leading international professional journal for homeopathy with editorial board in Philadelphia, US).

Logo alternativaAlternativa s. r. o. is a company that organises activities in the area of autopathy since 2002. It was founded in 1991 by Jiri Cehovsky, who is its director for the areas of homeopathy and autopathy.

We organize courses on autopathy, publish books, distribute autopathy bottles and other products connected with autopathy, we organize professional consultations and administer the website on autopathy.

In the area of homeopathy we run the Prague Homeopathic Academy, which is the largest homeopathic school in the Czech Republic with a 25 year old tradition. Its teachers are Czech homeopaths as well as renowned homeopaths  from other countries, such as Great Britain, Germany, India, the Netherlands, USA and Australia. We run an international training program for advanced homeopaths – Advanced Studies Program in Homeopathy Prague (ASPHP).

During our 33 year old tradition we have published many professional homeopathic books that form the basic reference library of the Czech homeopaths. We have developed the first Czech homeopathic software KENT and recently the new, modern software HOMEO that draws on the large volume of homeopathic literature translated into Czech (approx. 10.000 pages). In the past we have also published the journal Homeopatie and we operate the largest homeopathic web in the Czech Republic www.homeopatie.cz. Our e-shop  obchod.alternativa.cz is the main shop of this kind with homeopathic literature in the Czech and the Slovak Republics and offers also tools for autopathy.

Besides the subjects homeopathy and autopathy, we have also published a large number of books in the wide area of subjects of  alternative medicine and spirituality.


E-mail: info@autopathy.com
Tel.: +420 257 922 331

Address: Alternativa s.r.o., Zbraslavske namesti 461, Prague, 156 00 CZE, European Union


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