Publikované příspěvky autora "Michaela Gebert"
I felt all embracing love
A contribution from the conference on Autopathy 2017 in Prague
Ladies and Gentlemen. As some of you know, I live a long time in Austria and since 2013 have been disseminating autopathy. It is a Sisyphus work, because the Austrians, and especially the Viennese, do not belong to the most …
Two cases of long-term health problems
I have been practicing autopathy in Vienna since 2013. I consult on autopathy beside other activities, but the more with enthusiasm and confidence that it is an excellent method, which has to have a future. I think this because I have made very good experiences with it personally – as …
Autopathy in Austria
Presented at the 7th Conference on Autopathy, Prague 2015
In my contribution, I would like to present my own experiences with autopathy, as well as experiences of other persons, whom I had met through autopathy and whom I advise on its use.
I first encountered the …
Immediate Relief of Long-Term Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Using Autopathy – Two Cases
Joint and Gallbladder Pain, Insomnia…
Treatment of Two Cases of Addiction
Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.
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