The creative uses for autopathy are endless
You might be interested in a few of my experiences with autopathy:
I am quite sure I have eliminated my reaction to poison ivy with autopathy, as well as improved my tolerance for vigorous exercise.
With my last poison ivy flare up (rhus tox has never helped to calm or clear my reactions), while searching on-line for a novel way to clear my reaction to plants, I came across your website and was pleased with the video testimony of the gentleman who had his peanut allergy clear. I was able to get an autopathy bottle from a naturopath in Michigan and began my treatments. Six weeks later, after trimming some bushes, I saw the beginnings of another poison ivy outbreak; it never fully developed and within 2 days all signs of the rash were completely gone! Previous reactions would last a miserable 2-3 weeks with voluminous oozing.
I joined a boxing gym in January and would get quite winded with the high intensity drills. In early June, I decided to use my labored breath for the preparation (I jumped rope for 15 minutes) and I noticed immediate improvement during my next boxing workout. In addition to having more controlled breathing, I also noticed my mind was sharper and I could keep my eyes focused intensely on the bag. Now I can participate in the exercises with even more vigor as my lungs fully support my engagement.
Another time I noticed going up our attic stairs in very hot weather was exhausting, so I went up/down the stairs during the heat of the day 6-7 times and used my labored breath from this exercise to prep the autopathy bottle and now I can easily go up the stairs in the heat without exhaustion.
Our son asked my husband and me to join him in a 10 mile race in October. I am using my breath as a prep after every running practice (4/week). I contribute my quick stamina development to the autopathy treatments. Sinus drainage would limit my nasal breathing when I first started training (early June) and now I can inhale and exhale via my nose the entire run as I no longer have sinus congestion. Another situation I have had great improvement with is decreasing the amount of times I get up at night to empty my bladder. It used to be 2-3 times/night and most times very little volume, and now I get up once, close to rising time and the volume is appropriate for the urge. I used a drop of urine obtained from getting up at night. In addition to the improvement at night, I also noticed there is less urgency during the day. I used to limit my fluid intake as I would have to void within 30-45 minutes, now I can drink frequently without frequent voiding. Also, I notice I am thirsty and desire fluids. Before I would drink fluid because it was recommended, not because I was thirsty. It seemed like water ran right through me, like watering a very dry plant; perhaps my tissues were not really being hydrated?
I read about your success with Candida and am trying the morning boiled saliva to see if I can eliminate my addiction to sugar.
The creative uses for autopathy are endless! I look forward to the webinar you offer in August.
Your contribution to improving health is the best I have experienced. Your willingness to share your knowledge with the world is most generous.
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