Conference Autopathy 2020
The art of restoring health
On the 1st of February 2020 we will be meeting for the 12th time to talk about autopathy in our practice, so that we can learn from each other and solve our cases even more effectively. We will share experiences and deepen our knowledge in this holistic method, which has the ability to improve and to eliminate also health disorders otherwise considered to be permanent. The focus of our meeting will be on the improvement of life quality.

By sharing experiences at the conferences, we foster the advancement of something that is probably unprecedented in today’s world – a practical, independent and simple system of reduction and removal of suffering.
Join us in this conference. Register and submit your contribution about healing yourself or someone else. Or, like the most of those present, just listen. You can participate in a public discussion. You can also talk to your colleagues in the foyer, at coffee or at lunch. These conferences were rated by their participants as not only instructive, expanding our expertise, but also as uplifting and delivering energy, joy, good mood and greater power for overcoming of obstacles.
Lecture topics: Descriptions of specific cases, information about the initial condition, choice of technique for the autopathic preparation, choice of potency and dosage, the case development over time. The approaches and strategies in various specific conditions. Opinions, feelings and impressions. Coping with simple as well as difficult and complex cases of long-term or acute problems. Among the most beneficial are cases of self-care or the healing of people close to you. And of course, descriptions of successes in the consulting professional practice. In your paper, you just need to present in brief your records of the development of the case. No rhetorical or literary skill is required. Bare facts suffice. Of great interest are also lectures dealing with the development of cases that were presented in the past conferences (with a short reminder of the content of the previous lecture).
I believe that the 2020 conference will take place in the same wonderful working and friendly atmosphere as the previous eleven ones. I look forward to meeting you, to your experiences and opinions, and to seeing each other again.
Jiri Cehovsky
Organizational information
Date and time: Saturday, 1. 2. 2020 from 9:00 till 18:00 (lunch 13:00 – 14:00), arrival to venue from 8:00.
Venue: CVUT, Masarykova kolej, (The Masaryk College) Thakurova 1, Prague 6, congress hall. Map here.
How to get there: Public transport: Metro A, station Dejvicka, then with the tram to station Thakurova (one stop), or per foot up the hill on the Evropska street – approx. 10 minutes’ walk. The Thákurova street is located on the right side. At the entrance to the Masaryk college you will see the flags of the EU and the CVUT.
Cars can be parked in the streets nearby, in the so called purple zones, at the weekends for free.
Conference fee: 40 EUR (45 USD), speakers without fee
This includes refreshments and drinks in the form of a voucher (2 warm drinks, snack, water and lunch).
Each participant will receive as in the previous conferences a small present from us. The participants can purchase autopathy bottle with a special conference discount.
Please send your registration to the email You will receive confirmation of your registration. The payment of the conference fee of 40 EUR should be made to the EUR account: 2901365129/2010, IBAN: CZ5520100000002901365129, BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX. As purpose of payment please give your name. For payments in USD PayPal is possible.
The payment should arrive at the above account by 20. 1. 2020. You may also pay the conference fee upon arrival – in this case please inform us in advance.
If you wish to present a paper, please send its synopsis and its estimated length in minutes, or send the complete paper, to by 31. 12. 2019 at the latest. The recommended length of the lecture is 5 – 60 minutes. You will be informed about the placement of your lecture in the program.