Report from Conference 2013

26.2.2013 | Jiri Cehovsky |

V. conference about autopathy took place in Prague 9.2.2013 with a large attendance of autopathy practitioners. From the 14th contributions, four were presented by medical practitioners and the rest by healers, or they concerned self-healing or healing of someone in the family. Four participants reported about the effects of a new and very promising way of AP out of information from the 7th chakra. The most of the contributions were followed by a fruitful discussion with questions about details of the cases etc. The most of the contributions contained descriptions of autopathic  healing in chronic stages, some were also about saving of life in acute stages (e.g. sepsis) or in an acute worsening of a chronic state. The contributions that were submitted to the conference organisers in a written form will be gradually published. The whole conference procedures including the discussions can be obtained as an audio CD (in Czech language).

Content of the conference:

Mgr. J. Cehovsky: Welcome words
S.Robek: Self-healing of prostate cancer (20 min.)
K. Kryslova: Treatment of post-operative state (15 min.)
MUDr. M. Kormundova: RS, tiredness syndrome, tinitus,
osteomyelitida, DM, AP from the  sperma; in cooperation with Z. Jelecek:
Depresion, sterility (60 min.)


Ing. T. Volfschutz: Illness of a dog (10 min.)
H. Kovářová: Cataract in a dog, mistakes in making a preparation (15 min.)
MUDr. P. Hajduk, Bc. B. Kniezkova: Total body sepsis (15 min.)
V. Barta: Myasthenia gravis (10 min.)
I. Klimova: Sun energy (10 min.)


Mgr. J. Cehovsky: Preparation from Prana – technique and cases. The most reliable procedures (55 min.)
Mgr. Veronika Kucerova: Cancer, psychic derivation, prana. (35 min.)


V. Jakubikova: Acute illnesses (10 min.)
P. Bečková: Healing of bulimie, healing with prana (25 min.)
MUDr. T. Lebenhart: Chlamydia, chakra, method of healing (20 min.)
Ing. J. Matyáš: AP from prana, AP from faces, cases (60 min.)
Discussion to the most interesting subjects of the conference.


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