Program of Autopathy Conference 2024
- Tomas Lebenhart, MD: New Immune Experiences with Pranic Autopathy.
- Alena Hamplova, MD: Self-Treatment of Acute Conditions and a Case of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma.
- Abby Beale CCH RSHom (NA): A Holistic Case of Lyme Borreliosis, Insomnia, Poor Digestion, Anxiety, Memory Disorders, and a Case of Chronic Headaches.
- Eva Teglassy: First Aid for Acute Allergic Reactions.
- Kamila Maderycova: How Our Autopathy Affects People Around Us.
- Katerina Sojkova: Use of Prana in Severe Conditions and Treatment of Children, Allergies, and Hair Loss.
- Petra Bartozelova, MA: Two Cases of Addiction.
- Lenka Kolarikova BSc (Hons): Immediate Relief of Long-term Chronic Skeletal Pain – 2 Cases.
- Jan Matyas: Insights from Practice.
- Vendula Nova: Manic-Depressive States, Staphylococcus in the Eyes, Depression, Eczema…, 4 Holistic Cases.
- Zdenka Gabelova: Experiences with High Potencies in Autopathy.
- Jiri Cehovsky, MA: Autopathy from Prana, Connection with the Higher Self, Always Surprising Us.
Information and registration here
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