A short while ago I got an email from a woman in Bratislava. I quote the text, as I received it:
I got the contact for you from a very good girlfriend, who is very satisfied with your treatment. My problem, or rather ours together with my husband, is that already a couple of years we cannot get a child. According to the traditional medicine, we are both healthy, but it simply does not happen. Physical obstacle does not exist. Although we were already 3x at the IVF, it did not function. I have enough eggs and they are good, but they never became embryos. I have never been pregnant, and have no miscarriages behind me. I do not have, and never have had, any physical problems, and so I am so disappointed that I do not get pregnant. It makes me very unhappy. We have already tried alternative medicine, but not autopathy.
I have a very good feeling about it, I have read in your webpages and looked at your video.
I have ordered an autopathy bottle, please advise me what to do.
I thank you and wish you a nice weekend.
I have answered that in a short time I will have in Bratislava a lecture Autopathy II., and so she should join it. There she will find out something about self-healing and I can also tell her how to apply autopathy. This took place, she contacted me in the break, briefly described the situation and I recommended to her that she and her husband both take a preparation from heated saliva.
In one month and some days a further email arrived from her:
Good day Mr Cehovsky,
I am happy to tell you that I got pregnant and want to very much thank you. Following your advice, I have prepared for my husband a single dilution 6 l. I took 12 l and after one month, already pregnant, also 12 l. I wanted to ask you if I should continue with autopathy also during the pregnancy and when yes, then how often and in which dilution. I thank you thousand times and wish you all the best.
I wrote to her that she should not continue, when she is healthy, there is nothing to heal.
So what can I add? Visit the autopathy courses and read the book about self-healing Get Well with Autopathy, where there is information about the autopathic preparation from heated breath.
You will get a chance to get rid of your problems and illnesses, irrespectively of what is their name. Sometimes it can be just so simple.
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