Ending a three-month sick leave
A 52-year-old lady started having problems with her left knee several years ago. The doctor diagnosed her with 2nd stage arthrosis. Every 14 days, water had to be extracted from the knee. The whole leg was painful, immobile, in earlier years the lady had erysipelas on her leg and since then her leg was swollen, she was advised to use compression stockings and had varicose vein surgery.
At the end of the summer the knee swelled up, it was all red, the leg was so painful that the lady could not sleep. The doctor recommended icing the knee and pain medication. Even after 2 months, nothing changed. The lady switched to a healthier diet. In October she started with autopathy, in the same night after our conversation she made 1,5 L from saliva – she felt a slight relief and fell asleep for a while. The very next morning she ordered an autopathy bottle and a book on autopathy. Then she used boiled saliva and breath 2 L (she started with this to cleanse her body of toxic substances, she had covid before this). She continued with autopathy and increased the dilution by 0,5 L each day, used only boiled saliva and got to 3 L boiled saliva, which suits her, she can bend the leg and walk longer distances. She saw a physiotherapist as a self-payer, he used the Dorn’s method to correct the position of the bones in her badly built pelvis, the lower back and the knee. Now she applies autopathy with 3 L boiled breath once a week on the third eye and pours the rest of the water on the knee. She has been advised to increase the dilution, should she feel that the potency is no longer working, but she doesn’t want to increase it yet. On the recommendation of her physiotherapist, she exercises every day.
Since her sick leave has been terminated after 3 months and she returns to work where she will be straining her leg again, and since her superiors are also unpleasantly letting her know that she has been on sick leave for a long time, recommended was Prana 5 from 1,5 L.
One final bonus at the end. The lady was having problems with her menstrual cycle, the gynecologist always wanted her to come in for an injection to induce it, which the lady refused, saying she was leaving it to nature. Now after autopathy, menses returned in a regular cycle.
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