Publikované příspěvky autora "Filip Cehovsky"
Program of conference Autopathy 2025
Katerina Sojkova: Ordinary Autopathy Milan Danek: Manic-Depressive Psychosis and Prana Mgr. Ladislava Bilkova: Hering’s Laws and Autopathy in Practice Eva Sychrova: Health Improvement with Low Potencies P5 and Alternating DV with Breath without Boiling MUDr. Tomas Lebenhart: Asthma Pavlina Mouckova: Back and Head Pain Veronika Vackarova: Tooth, Ear, and Eye…Für Interessenten der Autopathie aus Deutschland und Österreich
Momentan haben wir keine Website auf Deutsch, aber Sie können die automatische Übersetzung unserer tschechischen Website nutzen.
Berater für Autopathie in Deutschland und Österreich finden Sie in der Beraterkarte, oder schreiben Sie uns.
Interessenten der Autopathie aus Deutschland und Österreich können Bücher und Autopathie-Fläschchen per E-Mail unter bestellen.…
Homeopath Ellen V. Kire is interviewed by Alan V. Schmukler
Homeopath Ellen Kire discusses her use of Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) which she studied with the founders, Grant and Louise Bentley. She also shares her experience using Autopathy, as taught by Jiri and Krystof Cehovsky, and much more! You can find the full article here.…
New videos from autopathy users
In the testimonials section, we have published several new videos in Czech with English subtitles:
• Insomnia, tiredness, migraines, irritability • Autopathy works – high blood pressure, back pain, yeast infection • Depressions, herpes, eczema • Return of hearing, healed eczema, renewed vitality…
Program of Autopathy Conference 2024
Tomas Lebenhart, MD: New Immune Experiences with Pranic Autopathy. Alena Hamplova, MD: Self-Treatment of Acute Conditions and a Case of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma. Abby Beale CCH RSHom (NA): A Holistic Case of Lyme Borreliosis, Insomnia, Poor Digestion, Anxiety, Memory Disorders, and a Case of Chronic Headaches. Eva Teglassy: First Aid…New Download section
We have set up a new Download section on our website where you can order and download ebooks and videos in one place. In particular, please note the newly added video recording of the Autopathy step by step seminar.…
Autopathy Conference 2024
Autopathy is alive and evolving, thanks to our practice. Even though societal issues seem to be increasing, we also see a different reality. A reality of people improving and healing through the subtle effects of an appropriately chosen autopathic preparation. We have met fifteen times to share our experiences, first …
Practical Seminar on Autopathy (Supervision)
A practical case management in a closed circle of participants under the guidance of Jiri Cehovsky.
The aim of the two consecutive three-hour evening webinars is to acquire, consolidate or upgrade the basic skills and to deepen existing practical experience and knowledge.
The webinar has two parts: Wed 11 Oct …
Autopathy step by step
In this six-hour webinar participants will learn how to proceed independently in the treatment and even elimination of long-term (chronic) complaints. How, with the help of the memory of water, to gradually bring harmony into the whole system of body and mind. How to work with the Autopathy Handbook, with …
Questions and Answers
On Thursday , 27 April 2023, 16:00 UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) Jiri Cehovsky will be answering your questions online at Zoom. Free entry, no registration. Information can be found here…
Program of conference Autopathy 2025
Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.