Written testimonials

Experiences with autopathic healing from our email correspondence. If you have interesting experiences or observations that you want to share with others, write to us at info@autopathy.info

Good results using your method

Mr. Cehovsky, I have been studying and using homeopathy for the past thirty years and I have always felt there had to be a more accurate way of finding the constitutional remedy. I thank you for doing this critical work! I have read your book (on Autopathy) and taken two doses three months apart, 200c and 400c. I have had good results using your method. I plan to administer the next dose at the third eye center. /…/Do you think pain medication and antibiotics can be avoided or do you advise their use, as not to disturb the constitutional Autopathy remedy action? Please let me know when your next book will be available? It would be wonderful if it included using Autopathy in acute situations. I look forward to hearing from you and I thank you again for sharing your breakthrough work.

All the best.

Sincerely, Stevan G

Z diskuzního fóra

Majda: Dobry den, lecila jsem dva roky pomoci Detoxinu a Estrozinu (Diochi) hlavne atopicky ekzem, alergii a take problemy s menstruaci. Ke vsemu mi byla pred 4 lety odstranena cela stit.zlaza. po teto detoxikaci jsem pouzila autopatickou lahvicku a problemy opravdu zmizely temer z 99%!

Duben 2008

Michal P: Autopatická drenáž. Nemám s tím ještě dlouhou zkušenost, ale už jsem přesvědčen, že to funguje, Zatím mám zkušensoti pouze u sebe a své babičky, ostatně nabízím autopatie zatím jen členům své rodiny. Tajk se stalo, že babička (83 let), která autopatie používá pů roku a po třech měsícíh přešla z 1,5 na 2 litry dostala těžký zápal plic, ačkoliv i při této nemoci působila na své okolí vitálně její stav se asi 9 dní i po léčbě antibiotiky v nemocnici zhorošoval, tak jak jsem si před tím vyzkoušel u sebe doporučil jsem jí 0,5 litru do víčka opavat to jednou denně, což si může snadno dělat i v nemocnici, je škoda, že se to časove selšo s podáním,jiných antibiotik, ale to nevadí, protože od té doby se stav začal prudce zlepšovat usoupily horečky a začal ustupovat i kašel a lékaři po dvou dnech na této autopatie začali mluvit o odchodu domů, stav se zatím dále zlepšuje a snad ji do pátku propustí, z původních 6 týdnů a nejisté prognózy se tak snad stanou 3 týdny a posílené zdraví. Autopatie je opravdu zázračná jen když se něco přestává dařit tak se člověk nesmí bát změny.
Přejí všem krásné dny Michal P

Únor 2008

Jana: zdravim, mam uz pozitivni zkusenosti s autopatii. mimojine, vcera jsem pomohla dceři 1 rok od virozy. Kdyz spala a teklo ji z nosu, odebrala jsem ji slinu kapatkem a udelala c40. rano byla o 100% lepsi. Ale napadlo me – neslo by udelat autopatii z vytoku z nosu? Ale asi neslo, protoze je to infekt, ze?
diky za nazor.

Duben 2008

Lenka S: Dobrý den, s autopatií pracuji již 4 roky a mám s ní jen ty nejlepší zkušenosti a chtěla bych se o některé případy s vámi podělit. Tak např. přišel za mnou do poradny muž 40 let, 3 roky v invalidním důchodu pro bolesti celého těla, zhroucená imunita, nevycházel již rok z domu, přestal jezdit autem, dojíždí do Prahy k lékaři, kde dostává různé léky, kortikoidy a další. Žádná změna k lepšímu. Pracuji také psychotronicky, udělala jsem mu diagnostiku a zjistila, že má všechny orgány zasaženy borelií. Udělal si AP ze 4 litrů 160 C a za měsíc přišel na kontrolu, řekl, že stav se zlepšil o 50% už zase chodí na vycházky, jezdí autem, udělal si další AP 320 C, volal že je mu lépe, přestává mít bolesti, za měsíc přijde na kontrolu. A takových případů mám více, o nich zase až příště. Autopatie-úžasná metoda, přeji všem hodně zdraví. Díky také p. Čehovskému.

Throat ache

Good day Mr Cehovsky /…/

In the frame of my study of books on homeopathy I came across your books about autopathy and because of ineffectiveness of a homeopathic treatment I decided to apply an autopathic one. I used 5 l water and waited for the results. It will be two months since my son used the dilution and the headache did not appear, furthermore, he had the mouth ulcers only one day (on a day when he was sick with vomiting and intestinal problems, which also lasted only one day). He did not have a throat ache even one day since. The only thing which did not improve is the hoarseness. I am concerned that I do not miss the time when I should apply the dilution again. I know that I have to be patient, the hoarseness lasts already 5 years. /…/

I thank you very much and wish you a very nice day,
With best regards, Vladimira F



My interest in homeopathy began after reading a short discussion of in something called the Whole Earth Catalog in 1972. I studied it on my own even before you could find many books on the subject. 20 years later I went to school for it for 3 years. That being said I have always found homeopathy a frustrating discipline to the point where even after all the studies I never did practice it. My results using it were just too hit-and-miss for me to feel comfortable treating other people. Consequently, it’s been something I’ve confined to using on myself and my close family members. I love the theory of it, and I know it works, but good luck finding the right remedy at the right potency even with computers and a library full of books. What I’ve always wished for with homeopathy was a simpler system and particularly one free of repertorization, which I regard as homeopathy’s weak point. Then I ran across your book on Autopathy. I ordered it immediately and read it in one evening. First, I’ll just say it’s a great book on homeopathy in general. It gets to the heart of what homeopathy is and why it works in a way I had never heard expressed before. Even after all these years I still learned some new things about homeopathy and it changed some of my perspectives on the philosophy and also what it is we are trying to accomplish with it. In many ways I gained a new respect for homeopathy from reading your book. All that being said, I have not actually tried Autopathy yet. I am hoping that it is not just another brilliant theory that yields little when applied clinically but I have great hopes for it all the same. If it works, it will be what I’ve been searching for for the last 30+ years. I know that’s a lot to ask from this humble offspring of the great Hahnemannian system but after reading this book I’m both optimistic and revitalized. Thank you for your insights and this new approach.

Scott S, Wisconsin, USA


One month latter: /…/ As for my experience with Autopathy I can tell you I feel quite different after the aggravation period. I feel cleaner and clearer, if that makes sense. I’m lighter, more energetic, and more positive as well. It’s as if a lot of heavy dark material was cleared away at some level of my being. I’d like to understand that better, the exact nature of it, but it may not be possible. Anyway, I hope this keeps up.


Hello dear Dr. Jiri Cehovsky!

I used the autopathic bottle in a case of flu and the person become cured in 3h!!

I have here a friend with a son with 7 years with Asperger syndrome.

Have you experience with this type of diseases using autopathy!?

I have to say that you are a great genius! I love your book Autopathy, Homeopathic Journey to Harmony.

Thank you very much,

David Moreira

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