A few photos from the 6th Conference

6.4.2014 | Jiri Cehovsky | jiri.cehovsky@alternativa.cz

At the beginning of February we have met as usual to recapitulate what have we achieved, what experiences have we made and what captivated us enough to want to share it with others. Presented were seventeen contributions, all about the improvement and most frequently about curing of illnesses, which are considered from the conventional point of view to be incurable. The atmosphere in the lecture hall was excellent and one client, who visits the conferences regularly, said that while she normally feels only well, she felt wonderfully for several days after the conference. The energy there was surely very intensive, how can it be otherwise in a lecture hall full of people who provide autopathy not only to others, but also to themselves.


The physician Martina Kormundova refers about the functioning of autopathy in the cases of Lyme disease, depression, Cohn’s disease, Graves‘ disease, melanoma and psoriasis.


The psychologist Veronika Kucerova presented cases of healing of children and told us about the effect of high potencies made of prana.


The paediatrician Tomas Lebenhart had spoken mainly about a case when he succeeded in mastering multiple sclerosis and about the relationship between mother and child in the treatment of children.

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Peter Hajduk is a surgeon and here he speaks about autopathic healing of cancer. An unexplainable light line on a photo bears according to some participants a witness to the presence of a luminous being, which also came to have a look.

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A view of the lecture hall. 


Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.

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