Repeated Flu, Fevers, ATBs
Two children, siblings, the girl is 9 years old and the brother 5.
Prior to the first consultation with me, which was a year and a half ago, the girl had had tonsillitis with ATB 3x in the last year alone, and on top of that she was plagued with repeated infections, flu. She was getting it from her brother, fevers up to 40°C. The siblings would take turns, “one would recover and the other would catch it”. It was the worst during the winter.
The first consultation with the mother was at the end of March. But a month and a half before that, the girl’s mother had already made her autopathic Boiled Saliva (BS) from 6 L, when she had 39° C and was weak and coughing. The next day after administration she had only 37.3° C in the morning and by the afternoon of the same day, she was fever free, her fatigue had improved and she was only slightly coughing. On the fourth day after administration, she was completely without symptoms.
In the following month and a half, the mother administered the same potency of BS three more times—twice as a preventive measure and once because the girl had a stomach upset and diarrhea without fever. This problem passed in three days. The recommendation was to repeat BS, 9 liters as prevention once every 14 days or more frequently in situations of acute need.
However, the mother saw no reason for further autopathy, the child was healthy. It wasn’t until the summer, but after returning from the seaside, that the girl had tonsillitis and a fever of up to 40°C, just like her brother. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, which she was taking for five days, with her temperature remaining at 38°C until she received BSB (boiled saliva and breath together), 6 liters, after which the fever immediately dropped. Only six months after starting autopathy did the swabs stop indicating the need for antibiotics, which she no longer took, in acute cases of fever, only 6 liters of BSB were administered, always with rapid improvement of the acute condition in one or two days. Nevertheless, after six months, the overall resistance was still not entirely satisfactory.
An interesting turn of events came after I recommended last year in March the use of Prana 1, 3 L once a week. After that, she no longer had a fever. The last visit from the mother was seven months later, in mid-October, and she told me that both children have been completely healthy for a long time and have not used autopathy for half a year, nor have they needed any other treatment. The girl has not had antibiotics for over a year. She returned to health.
The boy, who mainly suffered from chronic cough and fever, has been taking antibiotics 2 months before the mother’s first visit to me and had a recurring cough and antibiotics at the time of the visit, had a similar development. He thrived best after BS or BB (boiled breath) up to 10 L, sometimes repeated acutely or even as a prevention. During the mother’s last visit, I learned that he had not had antibiotics for more than a year, and the mother said that for the last 10 months he has been completely healthy including the winter period, which used to be the worst, and is without any symptoms, which they do not remember at all.
In these not-so-rare cases, I want to draw to your attention that autopathy can work well both in acute inflammatory conditions, with a relatively quick relief of symptoms, increasing resistance and preventing their chronic recurrence. An important role here can be played by the boiled preparation from saliva (BS) or breath (BB) or from both simultaneously (BSB), as well as the preparation from the 7th chakra, Prana, which supported the girl’s long-term health. Of course, for self-help, it is necessary to learn autopathy, either in a course or from a book.