Clear eyes

15.3.2013 | Zbysek Nadenik |

Good day Mr. Cehovsky,

I would like to thank you with all my heart for your readiness to give us advice about the eyes of our little son. I am aware of the fact that you did not have to react to my plea and my email – but in spite of your surely full program you have answered all my questions. You don’t even know how much you have helped us! I gave my little boy the autopathic preparation on Saturday and the last two days are his eyes completely clear. Perhaps they water just a little, but until now they seem very healthy. I have given him since his birth all sorts of medicaments, creams, homeopathic remedies…without success. Now it seems (I hope) that the treatment helped and hopefully does not return. I am a very, very happy mother and I thank you once more for your helpfulness and understanding.

I wish you much success in everything and that every minute of your life is filled with sun and happiness.

I was really glad to get to know you at least so over the mail.

Thank you,

Best regards, Jana S


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