Healing in own family
Contribution from the Conference on Autopathy 2015, Hotel Pyramida, Prague
I have been using autopathy actively as a healing procedure in my own family and people close to me for just under a year. Although I believe that illness is an indicator for us to stop or to change something – the way of life, diet and many other things, it directs some of us to a space, where we cease hearing and seeing. I perceive autopathy as a guide for starting and strengthening own change, and with it for getting well again.
I want to share with you two cases here, both of them continue with practicing autopathy.
The first concerns a woman, aged 72 years. Three years ago, she started having difficulties with falling asleep, every second day. Other problems were the lack of appetite, headache every day, fluctuating blood pressure. This had reached a state, when one day she did not want to live anymore and the next day was hyperactive. She has been suffering from long-term fears concerning people close to her. Concerning medicaments, she takes Prestarium for blood pressure. A year ago, she had undergone an anti-parasitic treatment, but the symptoms were not removed by it.
Immediately after having read the book Get well with Autopathy, I have bought for her the autopathy bottle and, referring to the provided instructions, have explained to her, what she should do. She started to apply boiled saliva and breath (together), 1,5 l 2x a week.
Within one week, her headaches stopped.
The third and fourth week – 1x a week – boiled saliva and breath, 1,5 l.
The second month – 1x a week boiled saliva and breath, 3 l. She starts to get old pains – joints, the shoulder.
The third month – 1x a week boiled saliva and breath, 3 l. Improvement in falling asleep, change of moods continue in a milder form.
New bottle.
The fourth month – 1x a week, alternating boiled breath 3 l and boiled saliva 3 l.
The following month – 1x a week breath and saliva 6 l. She has a feeling that it is too much, we decrease to 4 l and alternate boiled saliva and breath.
In her lethargic days (during continuing changes of moods), she feels that she has more energy before noon, but in the afternoon she has heavy legs, is tired, falls asleep while watching TV.
Before autopathy, every second days she did not want to speak to anybody, did not want to go out. Today she is strong enough to go out to the garden, do the usual daily things and she put 5 kg on weight.
The second woman close to me – aged 61 years.
Since 1980 treatment of rhinitis – chronic rhinitis.
1980 – loss of smell.
1988 – allergy – swollen upper and lower eyelids.
1994 – treatment in the pulmonary clinic, problems with bronchi, cough, diagnosed asthma
She stops working full-time, is on partial invalidity pension.
In 2002 the first surgery of nasal polyps.
2006 – second surgery of polyps and cleaning of frontal sinuses, correction of the nasal septum.
She has a feeling of being superfluous in the family.
She takes medicaments all the time, corticoids, hormone medication for a thyroid gland.
She gets an appointment for 2015 for the third polyps’ surgery; the doctor says that she should go earlier, because the polyps hinder her breathing and are so large that they protrude from her nose.
She starts with autopathy at a time, when she feels to be without energy, every day she has to use the Ventolin spray to be able to breathe. Her temperature is permanently increased.
15.6.2014 – start of autopathy, boiled saliva and breath together, 1,5 l in the evening.
Strong effect immediately the day after – rhinitis with thick yellow mucus, puss oozing from the corners of her eyes. She continued every day for the whole week, boiled saliva and breath, 1,5 l. The whole week strong symptoms as on the first day. Immediately on the first day, she can breathe better through her nose.
After one week she had a medical check-up, where the doctor stated that the polyps, which blocked the right nostril, have to a great part disappeared. The doctor also added that if this develops this way further, the surgery might not need to take place.
In the following weeks 1,5 l every second day, boiled saliva and breath.
In one month, she began to smell freshly cut grass and her appetite markedly improved.
In the second month 2x a week 1,5 l boiled saliva and breath.
In the third month vacation in Italy with the family, fever, cough, herpes on the nose and above the upper lip. Reduced sense of smell, rhinitis, breathing difficulties, headaches.
In the third month 1x a week 2 l boiled breath and saliva.
New bottle. Alternating 1x a week 2 l boiled breath and 1x a week 2 l boiled saliva.
Medical check-up – the planned surgery for January 2015 is no longer necessary. She feels full of energy.
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