Frequently asked questions

6.6.2018 | Jiri Cehovsky |

At courses, seminars and other occasions, I am often asked questions, which are in some way similar. Here I will focus on them.

Autopathy had helped me and my children, my husband refuses it, although he would also need it. What to do?

Women’s organism is more resilient than men’s. This is shown by the five-year difference in the average life-span of men and women. Women are also more psychically resistant, which protects them to some extent against the generally widespread conceptual influencing coming for example from the media, and its messages such as: You consist only of matter. Or: Only complex things are of value. Or: You don’t understand it, there are experts for this. Many men succumb to this very easily, and subsequently are not able to acknowledge nothing else besides the given concept. They overlook other concepts. Women are usually more reserved, are more pragmatic than men. Especially in issues concerning health. This is simply fact. Many women have actually succeeded in winning their sceptical partners for autopathy. A good advice is: Never indicate that autopathy could in some way change the husband’s attitudes. Otherwise you will be refused. However, there is a chance for success, when the sceptic will have an acute problem. In such cases, autopathy often quickly helped and this persuaded the man that it is good for something. Some of the sceptics have then changed into strong supporters. They even discovered that there is an autopathic concept, which is almost identical to the concept of homeopathy or yoga…

Can autopathy influence also psoriasis, dandruff, lumbago or lupus (enter any complaint from A to Z)?

Autopathy is a holistic discipline. Thus, it can (under certain conditions – see literature) influence disharmony in the body and the psyche, regardless its location or name. In autopathy do not exist any diagnosis, one should not confuse this alternative healing method with conventional medicine. We heal (as in homeopathy or the traditional Chinese medicine) a person’s mistuning of the reception of organizing harmonious life force. Defective reception causes illnesses. Tuning can return health, or close to it, to improve the sense of wellbeing, to heal the skin or some old psychic trauma.  We can get from hell to heaven, and this still in the same body and during the same lifetime. That, which seemed to be bad, can become good, non-functional functional and painful painless.  Many have succeeded (see this website).

What water do I use for the dilution?

Let us rather say, what the water we should not use. It is simpler. It should not contain chloride, this means water from the tap. Perhaps with the exception of Mlada Boleslav, where, as I heard, following an example from German towns, chloride is no longer used. In natural springs or wells we make sure that the water is not polluted, and if it should not be cleaned free of dead creatures or other rough dirt. When we buy filters, we choose filters with solid, not powder carbon. When taking water from the spring, we use safety mask for mouth and nose. We do not use water with the attribute “drinking”, it can be from the tap. It should always be water from the spring. We can (if we want to) send the flowing water a feeling of love.  As Masaru Emoto has found out, it is very, very good for it.


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