Condition after an ischemic stroke
From the Conference on Autopathy 2015
A woman, 68 years of age. In July 2014 – sudden headaches, disorientation, inability to express herself, slurred speech. She is submitted to the Intensive Care and Diagnostic Centre of the FNHK (University Hospital Hradec Kralove), where she undergoes thrombolysis for ischemic stroke. Without complications, followed by a rehabilitation treatment and by a change in medication.
The woman had undergone 60 application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, together with autopathy.
Autopathy from NONBOILED SALIVA every second day, 1 l, for the period of 14 days – autopathy is applied by the woman’s daughter, as the woman is not in a condition to do it herself. Already after 1 week improvement in sleep and vitality takes place, she is happier and livelier.
After 14 days I increase to 1,5 l NONBOILED BREATH for further 14 days, every second day…she cooperates better in logaoedic therapy, pronounces better, she is starting to remember words.
After another month autopathy from BOILED BREATH, 3 l, 2x a week – improved mobility, motoric and orientation abilities, speech is almost fluent, she is more lively, sleeps well.
We continue with autopathy BOILED BREATH, 3,5 l, 1x a week.
A control after another month shows: emotionally more active, but generally more vital, solves simple crosswords, is interested in taking walks and going out into the nature (before the stroke she preferred to stay at home, do housework and clean up).
After another six months in which she applied autopathy from NON BOILED BREATH, 1x a week, 5 l: she is not complaining about anything, speaks without stammering, uses correct words, feels good, is interested in films about nature, romantic subjects and comedies (in the past she followed mainly the news, got angry and kept speaking about it…), plays table games with her grandchildren and is more sociable.
She keeps saying that autopathy is a miracle and that she was reborn…
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