Spring seminar? I will be there!
It feels as if in another life when I think about my first encounter with autopathy. It was five years ago.
I have found the first mention about autopathy in the book by Dr Tomas Lebenhart “I Took off the White Coat”. I can still recall the feeling, which I had after reading the book. Hurray!! Finally! Finally, here is a way I can take! I am not alone, there are more of us who are not satisfied with what the system offers!
I immediately bought both books about autopathy, was carried by a wave of enthusiasm and everything was clear to me. This really interests me!
I was provoked to action by an illness of a female colleague, who, although very young, suffered from the loss of immunity and after many cycles of therapy with antibiotics was exhausted and despairing. Autopathy! I find the telephone number, call Alternativa and we both make an appointment for consultation with Mr. Cehovsky (I promised that I will accompany her). I saw an announcement for the Spring Seminar and so I asked if there is a place free and if I can take part. He was surprised why such a hurry, there were only a couple of days before the departure to the seminar venue in the mountains of Vysocina. But it worked out.
I started with autopathy from nothing. No previous seminars, no own experiences.
Mr. Cehovsky had immediately won me through his openness, visdom and modesty. Everything functioned well under the practical management of Mrs Vanda Cehovska (those who know her also know that one can do no other bur to love her…)
Days full of new amazing information and interesting meetings. Walks through beautiful nature, when we could not stop talking, because there was so much that we had to tell each other. Evenings with the guitar, much fun and interesting things.
Since then much had changed. Autopathy became known and highly regarded method in the Czech Republic and it is no longer a small group, but a large number of active autopathic practitioners and users that take part in the seminars and I am every year amongst them. I am proud to be part of it.
Each time I learn something new, many things become clear to me, it clicks into place, I clarify what I need. Moreover, I feel great, because I share the joy of being part of it, of witnessing recoveries, which have perhaps no equal, of taking part in the development of a method, which, as I believe, can tune up the whole world.
But I go to the seminars in the first place because of me, because of people whom I will meet there and because of the wonderful moments, which stay imprinted deep down inside me as a treasure. (Those, who were at the last year’s seminar and sang folk songs in a close circle around the flickering fire surely know what I am talking about!)
I am lucky that I am part of an amazing community of clever and inspiring people. The most of them are my friends today, which I really cherish. I am going to the seminar again this year and I am looking forward to seeing everybody.
The author has psychological and autopathic practice in Pilsen.
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