Program of the Conference Autopathy 2020
The art of restoring health
We met for the twelfth time to talk about how autopathy develops in ourpractices and to learn from each other to solve our cases . We shared our experiences and deepened the know-how in this holistic field, which has the ability to improve and even remove health disorders otherwise considered permanent. Our meeting was about how to change people’s lives for the better.
Conference program:
Pavel Miklus: Happy mother – use of autopathy in pregnancy and pre-birth in a woman in her forties and cure of long-term migraines; Anxiety states – about a woman who with Prana preparations got rid of negative feelings and changed her life.
Lenka Pomnenka: Good experience with autopathic treatment of plants
Vladimir Galba: The story of a woman – digestive and urological problems; A man’s story – gout and skin problems; A boy’s story – repeated inflammation of the middle ear, very poor hearing
Krystof Cehovsky: My counseling experience
Break 10:30 to 11
Jiri Nyvlt: Experience with potentiating the autopathic preparation and influence on overall harmonization of the organism; Multiple sclerosis; The case of chronic psychic problems; Relationship with the practice of classical Vedic yoga
Milada Kundratova: My healing from Z to A – experience with healing myself
Martina Kormundova: Polyarthritis and vertebrogenic algic syndrome; Pollinosis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, fatigue syndrome; Lyme disease; Young‘s osteosarcoma in a boy; Considering why some problems are successfully resolved and others fail despite optimal treatment, obstacles to treatment and healing
Break 13:00 to 14:00
Jiri Cehovsky: Depression, anxiety, fear, insomnia and how to get rid of it. Many hitherto unpublished cases from practice and their detailed analysis
Alena Palova: How I use and disseminate autopathy in Slovakia
Break 15.30 – 16.00
Tomas Lebenhart: Diabetes I; Smoker with depression; Chronic catarrh of Eustachian tubes; Bronchial asthma
Veronika Kucerova: Autopathy and loss of illusions. How autopathy can help to heal one’s own potential. Insights from the practice of psychologist and autopath.
Jan Matyas: Tools of an autopathy counselor in handling cases, Case reports
Jiri Cehovsky: Conclusion
Change of program reserved
Organizational information
Date: Saturday February 1, 2020 from 9 am to 6 pm
Venue: Czech Technical University, Masaryk College, Thakurova 1, Prague, CZ – European union
Registration and further information
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