Blog Archives

Lyme disease

Dear Mr. Cehovsky,

I took part in your seminar Autopathy I. in Litomysl. I am sorry to bother you, but I cannot otherwise. I feel enormous return of life force after the application of boiled saliva + breath, 6 l.  A huge swelling of about 22 in diameter from the …

Eczema, sleeplessness, tiredness…

Dear Mr. Cehovsky,

I do not want to ask you anything, I only want to thank you. Thanks to your book Get Well with Autopathy, I have discovered what was wrong with our three months old girl. She had eczema over her whole body, stopped laughing, did not sleep and …


From client of Iva Marcantonio

Hair loss, exhaustion, headaches and back pain

My daughter stopped breastfeeding after almost 3 years and her hair started to massively fall out (a number of her girlfriends mentioned the same problem). She was generally exhausted, suffered from recurring headaches and back pain. When her hair fell out almost completely, she finally turned to autopathy with prana. …


Dear Jiri, allow me to be totally sincere. You are a living national treasure. After 3 weeks of autopathy from prana diluted with 20 l water, I feel that my heart is opens, I hear its voice and all my recurring anxieties are gone. I think that it is something …

Night bed-wetting


I send only a very short case, but from my viewpoint a very interesting one.

It is about quarter of a year, when an unhappy mother came to me with her 5 year old son, who had since more than half a year nightmares accompanied by regular bed-wetting. Otherwise …

A letter from a healer

Dear Mr Cehovsky,

I did not contact you a long time, but this does not mean that I did not work or did not have interesting cases. I was caught in the whirl of daily activity. Right now I have a virus infection, I am in bed, and so I …

A family on autopathy

Dear Mr Cehovsky,

The last time I have written was in July, when we worked together on the shingles in my operated hand, which I had already for the second time after oncological sampling. I must tell you that last week I was again at the regular check-up at oncology. …

Experiences with autopathy

I practice yoga since 20 years and chi-kung 9 years. I have read your articles in your website and also your book Get well with autopathy. I think that it was the 3rd edition. I have lent it to someone and do not have it anymore and so I …


Dear Mr. Cehovsky,

I am writing to you to share my joy of being cured and also to thank you that thanks to you I learned about autopathy. This year, I was for the first time able to enjoy the holidays and this without itching and ugly open lesions, patches …


Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.

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