Fine Matter Potency Made of One’s Own Breath Heals
When I studied in detail the article of the American historians Coomarrswamy and Kershaw concerning kundikas (A Chinese Buddhist Water Vessel and its Indian Prototype, published in Switzerland in the magazine Artibus Asiae), the mysterious Buddhist vessels for containing water, which look like the autopathy bottles, I realised that it holds several bits of important information:
- The type with the narrowed mouthpiece has only a very small hole at the top, which would only allow a very small trickle of water, as the authors state. It would be a very difficult process, drinking water that flows so slowly.
- Another, wider aperture was on the side of the belly-shaped vessel, which was covered by a lid. This must evidently have been used for filling up the vessel, on which the various informants agree.
- Kundika is, according to this article, mentioned in historical texts as “life-breathing vessel of Chinese pilgrims”, or life inhaling vessel of Chinese pilgrims.
What this points out to is that the small opening at the top, of which it was thought that it was a kind of mouthpiece, probably was not used for drinking, but for breathing the air into the inclined and filled vessel. Or for a thorough bubbling-through of the contents with one’s own breath, with the small opening preventing the water entering the person’s mouth. Subsequently, the monk could easily drink the water through the large opening on the side, which would also have been used for filling up the vessel. Because kundikas could contain as much as two litres of water, this would result in a fine matter homoeopathic potency based on one’s own breath, to increase the spiritual vibrations.
The second type of kundika, the one that resembles teapot, where the mouthpiece issues from the lower part of the vessel appears to have been used in the same way. The user would first blow into the mouthpiece, thus bubbling through the contents, then drink the water. It is interesting that the vessels used for drinking the local mineral water at the spa in Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) have a similar shape. This tradition goes back more than a century and it is quite widespread. Interestingly, nearly everyone who uses them would blow into them before drinking; it virtually invites you to do that! The translator of this article, Voyen Koreis, owns a similar old vessel of a Spanish origin. The tradition of blowing into water for therapeutic reasons obviously existed even in Europe, though only an intuitive, unconscious form.
Now we will get to another, very latest discovery in the field of autopathy (February 2009)
Based on the above considerations, in the recent times I had advised a number of my clients to do the following:
Make an autopathic preparation in the autopathy bottle, according to the instructions, except the item 3 in the User Guide. Instead of spitting into the bottle, take it into your hand and tilt it, so that the long pipe leading from the round lower bulb to the mouthpiece and the shorter outlet pipe, are positioned to form a letter “V”. This means that the bottle is inclined from the level at an angle of about 45 degrees, with the short outlet pipe jutting out diagonally. Next, through the funnel, fill up the round bulb completely with water. Next, you put the short outlet pipe to your mouth, still holding it in the same position, and lightly breathe in it at length, which will make it bubble through the contents of the round bulb. Breathe lightly, so that water does not overflow unnecessarily. You may breathe once more, but one exhalation would be enough. After that, continue with the dilution process according to the instruction manual. The choice of degree of dilution (the number of litres of water), and everything else remains the same as it was when diluting the saliva.
The results are very interesting. They are indicative of a more penetrating and subtler incidence. Simply, our breath is in harmony with the vibrations of our dynamis, the vital force, even more than our saliva. Even though I had little time, only a few weeks, to observe the results, there are already many interesting findings:
A man who was treating himself with repeated weekly doses of autopathic preparation, made of six litres of water, had seen improvement of a number of chronic problems, but persistent was the high blood pressure, for which he had been taking medication for a long time. After “blowing” into the bottle he was forgetting to take the medication, and the high pressure disappeared. After a few days, however, it had begun to slowly rise again. Another blow into the bottle, and after taking the preparation the pressure became immediately adjusted.
A woman with anxiety and heart arrhythmia. She repeatedly used the autopathic preparation. Arrhythmia and anxiety disappeared after using only the preparation from the saliva. After the “blowing”, however, the effective period of one dosage had approximately doubled. In addition she reported that she was then able to make contact with her Tibetan Buddhist master in a dream, to receive spiritual advise, which beforehand she was not able to achieve.
A lady, whom I have been treating for many years, had her health improved in all aspects. She called to tell me that she had a heavy influenza with fever. I told her to take a dosage of autopathic preparation breathing into the bottle. A week later she called again. She said that when using the saliva-based preparation she has had the feeling that it was working. This time however she felt nothing. Nevertheless, the flu had passed very quickly, within two days.
In two cases of small children, the flu had passed within two days. One of the children previously refused to spit into the bottle, but enjoyed the bubbling action.
A man, who records the pH levels of his saliva every morning, using litmus paper. Optimal pH level of saliva is 7 – 7.5, with most people however it is much less, which might be one of the possible causes of chronic diseases, according to many contemporary authors and healers. When this man began to make every week the autopathic preparation from 4.5 litres of water using his breath, the pH level of his saliva has remained constant on 7.5. He also reports that he is feeling substantially better.
A man had begun to monitor his pH levels about a year ago. He used autopathic preparation regularly, together with a diet aimed at reducing the intake of food that lowers the pH level. After about a year the morning levels on the litmus papers read between 6.6 – 6.9. He could not ever get over 7.0. Every acid rich food immediately showed in lower reading of pH. Two weeks after using the C 500 potency of his own breath, the pH level of his saliva is on 7.1 – 7.5, regardless of what he might have been eating on the previous day. He feels that everything is moving forward faster. The correct pH of an organism depends on the function of dynamis.
A woman, who has been treating herself with autopathy for six years. Many problems have been overcome, but about a year ago, after a rough treatment of the spine by a masseuse, there had developed very strong and lasting problems with her back, which though getting slightly better with the use of various auxiliary methods of treatment, were still slow to improve. About 14 days after taking a “blow” she stopped complaining.
A woman with a light form of asthma, who occasionally felt oppression on her chest. Shortly after taking the preparation made of breath the obstruction had moved to the throat (movement “from within outside”).
There are many more cases where indications point to improvement of the preparation when using the breath. Not even in a single case would there be any weakening of the preparation’s effectiveness! On the contrary, there soon were very deep and obvious changes.
The interesting thing is that autopathy has its genesis: first, the diluted pathological excrements were used, pus, etc., i.e. highly contaminated substances. Some English homoeopaths have used diluted faeces, also highly polluted substance, full of excremental products. Urine has also been known to be used as remedial basis, even though it also contains many waste products, and it proved to be substantially less effective than saliva. Even purer information, more closely tuned to the fine organisational principle of our body, is our breath. Breath is the basic symptom of life. Homoeopaths, when describing remedies, have traditionally been mindful of references to be found in religion, mythology, etc. In Genesis, Chapter 2 (not to call upon the Buddhist sources all the time), it is said that God breathed the breath of life. The basis of Buddhist meditation, of course, is concentration on one’s breath.
I would welcome your reports on use of breath in autopathic treatment. Let me know how it worked for you.
(Translated by Voyen Koreis)
How to prepare a potency from your own breath (PDF)
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