Does it still make sense to stay in this world
A 71-year-old man, retired, used to work as a thatcher, height 174 cm / 76 kg.
Polyarthritis of the weight-bearing-joints, gonarthrosis and coxarthrosis bilat. gr. III, omarthritis l. Dx, vertebrogenic algic syndrome, lumbar spondylarthrosis, polymorbid patient.
Pharmacological anamnesis: chondroprotectives, enzymes – Novaflex plus, Liascledin 300, NSA, Warfarin, Micardis Plus 80/25, Agen 5, Milurit, Pantoprazole, Rivotril, statins.
Personal anamnesis: common childhood diseases, in childhood surgery of inguinal hernia on the right side, minor injuries, otherwise without serious diseases. Until age 65 heavy smoker with 40 cigarettes daily and alcohol abuse – beer, plum brandy, after his 38th year arterial hypertension, at the age of 42 CHD – unstable AP, reduced smoking to 20 cigarettes/day, at the age of 51 ACS – STEMI, chronic atrial fibrillation, warfarinised, hypercholesterolemia, hyperuricemia, COPD, after his 55th year worsening pain of the weight-bearing-joints and hips, overdosed on painkillers and due to abuse of NSAIDs and analgesics drug-induced hepatotoxicity and CKD. Gradually worsening pain in both hip and both knee joints with deformities and limited mobility, spondylosis of the lumbar region, omarthritis of the right shoulder joint and progressive disability, increased alcohol abuse and worsening insomnia and depression. Surgical treatment was contraindicated due to polymorbidity and risk for the patient.
April 2019 – He came to me interested in the treatment of arthrosis with collagen preparations Guna MD and the relief of pain and also depressions, and also to improve his sleep. Recommended was change in the diet – leaving out sausages, milk and milk products, eating more fiber, vegetables, legumes, also alcohol abstinence and reduction of smoking. After agreement with the patient and the detection of a significant vitamin C deficiency in the tissues, a combination of treatment with high-dose vitamin C IV + Glutathione 1200 mg, a total of 12 applications once a week in infusions together with application of Guna MD Knee + MD Tissue 6 + 6 ampoules s.c. to the knee joints and then application of Guna MD Hip + MD Poly 6 + 6 ampoules to both hip joints in the trochanter and groin. Furthermore, treatment with Guna Arthro and G. Flam and micro-immunotherapy of homeopathically diluted LaboLife – 2LARTH and 2LEID – were also recommended for the period of 3 months. Additionally, especially for night pain Guna Beta Endorphin. The patient tolerated the injection therapy very well, and although he was warfarinised, there was no sign of bleeding into adjoining tissue in the area of the punctures.
After 3 months of administration of the combination of the MD preparations to the knee and both hips together with IV applications of high-dose vitamin C with Glutathione and the micro-immunotherapy, the patient reported an overall improvement of 70-80% the knee pain, only after an increased strain, hip without nocturnal pain and he significantly reduced the frequency of Hypnogen use. Concerning the pain, he reported an 80% improvement in his life quality. However, depressive feelings and states of depression still persisted, that he had nothing to live for, that he was old, that no one cared, and that he will just wait for his death.
In the summer of 2019, I lent him books on autopathy Get Well with Autopathy and Autopathic Handbook, and a book by Tomas Lebenhart No Coat, and we agreed that if the autopathy method appealed to him, he would try it. After 14 days, he came for an autopathy bottle, saying that he had it all planned, that he has a cottage with a well with beautiful clear water.
I recommended Prana 1, 2 l. He called me excited that he couldn’t believe it, but that he really felt relaxed all afternoon, was sitting on a bench in front of the cottage, watching bees, bumblebees, butterflies fly from flower to flower and he felt as if he´d had a shot of alcohol. In the evening, he made himself autopathy from Prana 1, again 2 minutes, thus 4 l, and that he slept beautifully as he had not slept since his youth. And so he started to apply autopathy from Prana 4 l twice a day and for about 14 days he profited from it, but after 14 days the effect seemed to disappear.
I recommended Prana 5, contactless, and to try the potency of 2 minutes again, thus 4 l, and for him to observe how he will feel after that. He no longer felt such a gust of peace and well-being as in the first application, but he perceived an overall calmness and peace of mind, he slept with only one interruption at night, when he had to go to relieve himself, and in the morning, he felt quite fresh. He was enjoying walks in the wood with his dog and visits from friends, when they were playing country and folk songs on the guitar by the fire, and he felt that it still made sense to be here in the world.
From October, we repeated the 6x series of MD collagen injections around the knees, hips and also the right shoulder, and this January we agreed on 4 applications of MD collagen in the lumbar region.
He bought himself a water filter because he no longer wanted to carry the plastic bottles with spring water for autopathy and the cottage was not adapted for permanent residence during the winter, and he still makes himself Prana 5 from 6 l 1-2 times a week or once every 10 days, as he feels is right.
Conclusion: On this example I want to demonstrate the advantage and the significance when the patient is perceived comprehensively and when the work on improving his health takes place on several levels.
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