Publikované příspěvky autora "Zuzana Vitova"

Fatigue syndrome

My case started twenty years ago. I was married and had two small children. I was permanently tired. All people told me that it is normal and when the children get a little older, it will be better. Children grew, but my tiredness remained. I was desperate, because in the …

Alzheimer disease

Man, 76 years, from age of 40, after injuries to the head caused by an accident, receives disability pension. He had difficulties with breathing, was often tired, had angina pectoris and in the fall of 2007 was diagnosed with Alzheimer disease. During 2007 he lost weight, had a distant took, …

Before eye surgery

Man, 48 years of age. The upper and the lower lids of his right eye were swollen. He had a similar problem already 10 years ago on the other eye. The physicians did not find a cause for this then and suppressed the swelling with corticoids. Since then the lids …


Webinars introducing to the basics of autopathy are organised in English for international therapists, medical practitioners and persons interested in self-healing.

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